Play Shawl Earth Tones


Introducing the NavyBaby Play Shawl – a versatile prop that earns its place among our top 10 must-haves for your older child's play space.

Here's why this open-ended play item stands out:

1. Magical Cape Transformation: Let your child's imagination soar as they run free, wrapping themselves in this shawl to transform into their favorite superhero.

2. Playscape Foundation: Lay the Shawl down, and witness the magic unfold as it becomes the backdrop for an entire playscape.

3. Creative Opportunities: Hang it high, create a baby hammock, tie it – the possibilities are vast, and we can't wait to see the enchanting worlds your child brings to life with this sure-to-be-favorite.

Unleash the magic of play with the NavyBaby Play Shawl – where creativity knows no bounds!

1.8 meters long
0.95 meters wide
A blend of silk, rayon and cotton.
Measurements are accurate to 1-3 cm.

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