comfrey mirimiri oil

Reduction of intense pain
Te whakaea i ngā mamae āwai
The comfrey plant has very similar properties to tūpākihi and is renowned in many countries around the world. It also has a very good reputation here in New Zealand and deserves its place within our Natures Therapeutics range.
its not magic, its nature® - ehara i te mahi tūmatarau, ko te ao tūturu
Key features. This is a topical product only. Do not use on broken skin or open wounds.
- Comfrey is infused into kōrari (harakeke/flax) seed oil
- New Zealand grown and made
- Anti-inflammatory
- Analgesic - roots & leaves contain allantoin
- Antimicrobial
- No GMO
- Vegan
- Gluten free
- Not tested on animals
Some benefits that may be experienced -
- Management of deep tissue and joint pain
- Improved healing of bone breaks/fractures
- Circulatory support
- Smoother feeling skin
Ailments that may benefit -
Arthritis, rheumatism, gout, strained, stressed and torn muscles, stretched ligaments, injured tendons, bruising, varicose veins, dry and cracked skin, rash, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis
Size -
100ml - 3 options - 1, 2 or 3 bottles
Ingredients -
New Zealand Kōrari (harakeke / flax) Seed Oil , Comfrey (symphytum)
Directions / Usage -
External use only. Keep out of reach of children. Shake bottle well. Apply oil directly to area/s of pain and gently rub into skin. Do not apply to broken skin or open wounds. Wash hands with soapy water after applying. Not recommended for pregnant & breastfeeding mums. Apply as required. Store below 20℃, away from direct sunlight
Side effects -
Discontinue use if an adverse effect is experienced.