Protocol Support Kit (3 months supply)

Protocol Support

Malignant cells manage to escape recognition and elimination by the immune system.

Keto weight management and cell repair is part of the protocol to support the immune system to target and encourage a healthy normal immune response.

Our approach then is to naturally support the health of your mitochondria and your immune system, and to adopting keto (low glucose) meal plans, drinking green tea through the day. The "intermittent fasting keto" is a foundation stone of this approach. Through experience we recommend that it must be strictly followed. We advise measuring your blood ketone levels with a finger prick ketone meter, every morning before eating. Aim for 3.0 to 6.0 mmol/L.

The recommended Ketogenic meal plans involves limiting carbohydrates to 12 grams a day (basically only eating green salads) whilst increasing the consumption of foods high in fat (avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, cream) and moderating intake of protein (Up to 100 grams a day, or better yet, replace protein with MyAMINO).

Medical Disclaimer: The Ketogenic diet has also been observed to increase sensitivity to the therapeutic effects of radiation therapy. Kit Contains:

- 6 x 3ml vials of imuno.
- 1 x Bravo Probiotic Yogurt 13 week kit.
- 3 x 12 packs of Bravo Suppositories.
- 7 x 120 tablet bottles of MyAMINO.
- 3 x 120 capsule bottles of UltraCur-Pro.
- 4 x 90 capsule bottles of Boswell.

The grey packaging box is subject to change and availability to increase successful delivery to your door word-wide. Protocol (3 months supply)

- imuno - 0.2ml every day 6 x 3ml vials = 90 days.
- Bravo Probiotic Yogurt - 8 x tablespoons a day 1 x 13 week kit = 91 days.
- Bravo Suppositories - 1 every 3 days 3 x 12 pack = 108 days.
- MyAMINO - 5 twice a day as a protein replacement to support high ketosis 7 x 120 tablet bottles = 84 days.
- UltraCur-Pro - 2 twice a day on an empty stomach 3 x 120 capsule bottles = 90 days.
- Boswell - 2 twice a day with food 4 x 90 capsule bottles = 90 days. ALSO

Lymphatic Circulation
The lymphatic fluid is pumped by changing pressures in the body when we move (walk or Taiji). The lymphatic fluid is the final carrier of the nutrients to the cells and when the fluid circulates well then the immune system functions more efficiently. Do a minimum of 30 minutes walking every day.

Deep Breathing
Deep Breathing, whilst stationery, is the best way to increase oxygen supply and circulation in the blood. This increased oxygen supply is then used by the internal organs, including the immune system, to enhance their functioning. Whenever you think about it, as often as you can during your day, take at least 3 or 4 slow deep breaths.

Joy and Fun
Our immune system is strengthened by feeling joy and having fun. This is a vital part of healing and is seen in those who overcome severe illness. Remember to laugh and play, and to bring joy to others when on the road back to health, for this will help keep you on the path.

Vitamin D3
We advise keeping blood levels of vitamin D3 at between 150 to 250 nmol/l (60 ng/ml to 100 ng/ml). This can be achieved by taking 10,000IU of vitamin D3 daily. A blood test every 3 months is also recommended to ensure blood levels do not go above our recommended levels. Note: Vitamin D3 levels drop quickly without supplementation and high vitamin D3 levels help slow cachexia.

Disclaimer: None of our products are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Our products are chosen for their ability to support the body’s healthy immune system, and larger doses of supporting products may be required in times of stress. Just like more food is required, when more exercise is undertaken. If you are under more stress, then please take up to the recommended maximum dose or the dose as prescribed by your doctor. Supplements are not a replacement for vitamins or minerals. Take as directed and if symptoms persist see your health care professional.

Natural Solutions
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