My Colloidal Silver SOS Dropper 100ml

Active Ingredients: Filtered purified water Silver ions ( Free from chemicals stabilisers and additives
Dosage: Colloidal Silver can be taken orally and it can be sprayed or applied topically. When using Colloidal Silver, drink AT LEAST 1 litre of water daily to aid the flushing process. ORAL DOSES: At all times, colloidal silver doses are best held under the tongue for 30-60seconds before swallowing. To maintain good health and assist in preventing viral and bacterial infections - Adults: 15-20ml daily Children under 12: 5-10mls daily To treat illness and infection - Adults: 25-30mls hourly Children under 12: 10-15mls hourly COLLOIDAL SILVER IS AN EXCELLENT WATER PURIFIER Add 50mls/litre, shake well and wait ten minutes before drinking.

- None known when taken as suggested.
- Do not refrigerate
- Keep in dark place away from electro magnetic field

Naturally Healthy NZ
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