My Taiao™ 186 views 1 clicks Claim this Business

Reo inspired bushwear for all of Aotearoa. No matter if you're going hunting, fishing, to the marae, dairy, kai shopping or a hui - here's the gear to get your cuzzies asking for a "borrow" and others wishing they had one too
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  • $45 +
    Short Sleeve - Pakeke Pōhutukawa
    Inspired by kōrero tuku iho, Matiti is known as summer in some parts of Aotearoa. According to Rereata Makiha, there are several wāhanga (stages) that make up the summer period which are Matiti Kura, Matiti Hana, Matiti Muramura, Matiti Kaiwai, Matiti Raurehu, Matiti Rautapata and Matiti Rauangina...
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  • $45 +
    Short Sleeve - Pakeke Pounamu
    Inspired by kōrero tuku iho, Matiti is known as summer in some parts of Aotearoa. According to Rereata Makiha, there are several wāhanga (stages) that make up the summer period which are Matiti Kura, Matiti Hana, Matiti Muramura, Matiti Kaiwai, Matiti Raurehu, Matiti Rautapata and Matiti Rauangina...
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  • $45 +
    Short Sleeve - Pakeke Whio
    Takurua or Hine Takurua (winter maiden) is known as Sirius in western/Greek astronomy, and can be found in the Canis Majoris star cluster. Hine Takurua is one of the two wives of Tamanuiterā, the other being Hine Raumati (summer maiden). Takurua is also considered as a star that marks the time of w...
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