Long Sleeve - Tamariki Tūhua

Orokohanga meaning original or O.G. The name was given to this range simply because it is our O.G kākahu.
Olive Green - Kawakawa is a native tree of Aotearoa that has many healing properties and is considered in some traditions, as the only tree to descend directly from Io (supreme being) and not Tāne Mahuta. The Kawakawa has several uses which include chewing on the leaves to numb a toothache, being boiled with water and consumed as a hot tea to relieve tummy aches and, is also mixed with bee's wax to create a body rub.
Deck out your tamariki in kākahu/gear that will keep them warm and toasty no matter the weather. Be the coolest mātua/parents on the block by being 'that whānau' with matching kākahu. Hardwearing kākahu for your energetic tamariki.
Features include:
Long Sleeve with elastic cuffs.
225gsm fleece tee in black.
TAIAO embroidered on left of chest, TAIAO logo on back.