Assorted Brushes


Detail: A very fine brush, best used for detail work.

Liner: Excellent for crafting fine lines. Bristle length is 2cm.

Flat: Excellent for applying tidy lines defined edges. Made of resilient nylon. Bristle length is 1.9cm.

Fan: Goats hair, bristle length is 1.7cm.

Round Pointed: Good for detail glazing. Made of pony hair. Bristle length is 1.7cm.

Double Ended: Circular brush with scraper tool. Made of steel wire, drills, needles or sharpened cutting edges with polished stem hardwood handles. Used for mold cleaning, doll-making, sgraffito, incising, excising, carving, trimming and modeling. Bristle length is 1.8cm.

Mystery Creek Ceramics
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