340 Gymleco Leg Extension


Leg Extension is one of the most traditional gym machines at the gym and a must for all serious gyms. Here you train quads (frontal part of the legs) in a kick movement. Our Gymleco machine is one of the best on the market since it has our typical smooth ergonomic movement with the correct load on the muscle throughout the exercise. It is compact so you can fit more of our leg machines at your gym and of course in high quality materials so you can be sure that it will last you many years to come.

Gymleco’s leg extension is designed with correct positioning of the pivot points which gives an anatomical correct curve and therefore a smooth and even load throughout the movement. Additionally you have Gymleco’s unique camshaft, which distributes the load throughout the movement.
The gym machine focuses the load on the front of the thighs and is gentle on the joints. It has a low starting weight which makes it suitable for everyone at the gym including rehabilitation.

You have the ability to adjust both the backrest and foot support while sitting in the machine. Both of the cushions are in high quality leather for ultimate comfort. The foot support is round to fit all users and lay comfortable on the lower legs. You have two handles on each side of the seat so that you can keep your body in the correct place when training with a lot of weight Technical specifications & Documents Gym machine muscle target

Legs Exercise types

Strength training Cushion color

Black/red Depth

95 cm Height

162 cm Width

99 cm Weight

202 kg Weight stack

100 kg Series

300 Art.nr 340

Muscle Department
0 0