Early Pregnancy Package


Congrats Mum, You’re expecting!

This is a little pack to help make your pregnancy just that little bit more enjoyable.

(This combination is also the perfect way to bless your pregnant partner or friend and rack up the brownie points!)

Give your baby bump some much needed love with a Viva La Vulva Belly Mask, while enjoying a delicious cup of tea. Help quell your nausea with The Lactation Station Gingerbread Bump Biscuits while pampering yourself with a Viva La Vulva pink clay face mask.

Moisturise your stretching, itchy skin with the Mum & Baby Balm, help reduce stretch marks with Stretch Mark Balm and keep your hands and lips soft and moisturised.

(Gift box included, please add your note and to & from names at checkout.)

This Pack Includes:

- 2x Viva La Vulva Belly Masks
- 1x Packet Gingerbread Bump Biscuits (The Lactation Station)
- 1x Mum & Baby Balm ( Handmade in by Skye Candle & Body Care)
- 1x Pure Wilde Lime & Kiwifruit Hand Crème
- 1x Stretch Mark Balm
- 1x Raspberry Natural Lip Balm
- 1x Viva la Vulva Pink Clay Face Mask
- 1x “Smell the Roses" organic green tea with roses (Posseteevytea)
- 1x “Life is Peachy" organic green tea with peaches (Posseteevytea)

This combo includes gift boxing 🥰

Mums & Bubs
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