Morning Mummy Natural Belly Balm - 80g


Introducing our new Morning Mummy Natural Belly Balm. An all natural homegrown and handmade balm designed to ease the skin and help sooth potential stretch marks. Perfect for skin that starts to stretch as Baby grows.

Ideal for use during and after pregnancy to provide nourishment and skin hydration. Can also be used on Baby as a gentle moisturiser or massage balm.

The balm has the subtle smell of its organic lavender content, with no added synthetic fragrances. It rubs easily into the skin making it feel more subtle and moisturised,

With all natural ingredients:

- Cocoa Butter - calming
- Shea Butter - calming

- Almond Oil - hydrating

- Vitamin E Oil - hydrating

- Lavender - soothing

- Natural Beeswax - protecting

80g in a non-plastic tin container

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