Fazenda Chapadao, Brazil


Region: Fortaleza de Minas
Altitude: 1200masl  
Varietal: Topazio
Process: Pulped Natural

Producer Sebastiao Curimbaba is one of the co-owners of the Curimbaba group and has been producing for over 30 years.

This classic Brazillian microlot comes from his 210 hectare farm, Fazenda Chapadа̃o. The coffee is semi-pulped and sun-dried on concrete patios as is common in Brazil.
The coffee variety, Topazio, was developed in Brazil back in the 1960s as a hybrid of the Red Catuai and Mundo Novo varieties.
The Topazio summarises the strengths of both varieties - the full body and sweetness of the Red Catuai and the disease resistance and high yields of the Mundo Novo variety.

This microlot from Sebastiao Curimbaba reminds us of a classic Brazillian microlot with flavours of candied hazelnuts and milk chocolate.

Roasted for all brew methods from espresso to stovetop, pour over to plunger.

Mojo Tahi
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