Ashley & Co Home Perfume - Bubbles & Polkadots


Floral Rose, Soft Powdery Musk

Kid around? Fresh garden rose mixed with soft powdery musk smells like a baby-out- of-the-bath. Buyer beware a craving for bed time stories and milk and cookies could result.

It’s no ordinary air freshener; Ashley & Co’s home perfumes are not only environmentally friendly but functional and aesthetically cool. Simply allow the perfume to travel up the porous wicks and gently diffuse in the air. The long lasting formulations have been designed to complement their environment, suit ones mood and attitude - choose one to fit. Each 265ml bottle will last minimum 6 months and 2.5 years unopened. As with any perfume, keep it out of direct sunlight.

10 Reed Sticks included

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