Lovely bright Maranta Leuconeura Lemon Lime


A very sought after house plant, the Maranta Leuconeura Lemon Lime has beautiful leaves of lime stripes on shades of green leaves forming stunning patterns. Sure to suit any interior theme.

These come in a 12cm nursery pot with the option of adding a Ceramic Pot in white or black.

Why You'll Love It:

- Striking Foliage: The Maranta Lemon Lime features bold, lime-green veins that contrast beautifully with its lush green leaves, creating a mesmerizing pattern.
- Easy to Care For: Perfect for both beginners and seasoned plant enthusiasts, this plant thrives in low to medium light and requires minimal maintenance.
- Air Purifying: Not only is it visually appealing, but it also helps to purify the air, promoting a healthier living environment.
- Pet-Friendly: Safe for homes with pets, as it is non-toxic to cats and dogs.

Moffatt's Flower Company - Chr...
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