IC333 Queen Adjustable Bed


The ultimate electric bed with the look at feel of a modern bed. The I-Care IC333 is an ideal hi-lo bed for use at home and offers a unique tilt function for infinite positioning. Mattress and Headboard are purchased separately and are not included with the Bed Brand: I-Care

$8,900.00 to enquire for more information about this product A fantastic bed that offers all of the health benefits and comfort of a hospital bed without looking like a hospital bed! Using just one remote to control all bed operations, the IC333 is easy to use and superbly designed.

- 200kg safe working load (300kg on double and queen sizes)
- One remote for all operations (illuminates at night)
- Fully height adjustable with tilt allowing unlimited positioning options
- Up position to top of mattress 80cm
- Low position to top of base 22cm
- Head and thigh lift included
- 10 year warranty
- Wide choice of upholstery fabric options from Warwick and Charles Parsons ran...

Mobility Centre
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