Artistic Soak Off Gel Removal Wraps 100pk


Removal Wraps • Artistic Nail Design// $(document).ready(function() $('#main-menu li.submenu').css('display', 'none'); $("#main-menu li").hover( function() $(this).find('.submenu').stop().fadeTo('fast', 1).show(); , function() $(this).find('.submenu').stop().fadeTo('fast', 0, function() $(this).hide(); ); ); $(".home-side-button").hover( function() $(this).find('img').toggle() ); $("#image-thumbs a").click(function() var $image = $(this).attr("href"); var $image title = ($(this).attr("title") != null ? $(this).attr("title") : null); //$image = $image.replace('/52/', '/525/'); $largeImage = $("#image-large img"); $largeImage.attr("src",$image); if($image title) $largeImage = $("#image-caption-title"); $largeImage. ($image title); return false; ); $(".kit-image-thumbs a").click(function() var $image = $(this).attr("rel"); var $image link = $(this).attr("href"); var $image title = ($(this).attr("title") != null ? $(this).attr("title") : null); //$image = $image.replace('/52/', '/525/'); $largeImage = $("#kit-product-image img"); $largeImage.attr("src",$image); $largeImage = $("#kit-product-image article"); $largeImage.attr("style", "background-image: url(" $image ")"); $largeImage = $("#kit-product-image a"); $largeImage.attr("href", $image link); if($image title) $largeImage = $("#image-caption-title"); $largeImage. ($image title); return false; ); ); jQuery(document).ready(function($) //portfolio - show link $('.fdw-background').hover( function () $(this).animate( opacity:'1' ); , function () $(this).animate( opacity:'0' ); ); ); // >// var gaq = gaq ; gaq.push( ' setAccount', 'UA-34682166-1' ); gaq.push( ' trackPageview' ); (function() var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script') 0 ; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); )(); // >

Perfectly designed to fit the finger, these Soak Off Gel Removal Wraps gently remove Soak Off Gel Colour in 10-12 minutes without damaging the nail plate. Can also be used to remove Liquid and Powder and other artificial nail enhancement products.

Miss Bliss Nails And Beauty
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