Drink Mix 320 Caf 100

Maurten a high-carbohydrate sports fuel that utilises Hydrogel Technology. It delivers 80 grams of carbohydrates with 100mg of caffeine per 500ml of water. Easy on the stomach,
Box of 14 servings.
Suitable for Vegetarians & Vegans.
Drink Mix changed the game for endurance sport. It enables athletes to consume high-carbohydrate liquid fuel during training and racing with less risk of discomfort. Delivering 80 grams of carbohydrates with 100mg of caffeine per 500ml, for high-intensity training sessions or races.
The Drink Mix becomes a hydrogel upon contact with stomach acid, encapsulating the carbohydrates, and helping to reduce the sensation of liquid sloshing in the stomach when exercising at a high intensity.
The hydrogel limits contact between the carbohydrates and the stomach acid, controlling the common bitterness of caffeine and promoting faster transfer to the intestines where the energy is absorbed.
Not just another energy drink.
- Store:
- Maurten Australia
- Price:
- $91