Kāhui Whakamihi | Appreciation Set

Can't find the exact words to say thank you? Make your sentiments known by choosing this set to show your appreciation, acknowledgment and admiration for someone and their achievements.
In this set you will receive 3 wrapping papers:
- x1 'aroha/from the heart' wrapping paper - whero/red
- x1 'praise' wrapping paper - kākāriki/green
- x1 'ngā mihi/thanks' craft wrapping paper
Each roll measures 70 centimeters tall and 3 meters long.
Single sets will be sent in a round mailing tube.
Sets of 2 or more will be sent in a box.
Note: wrapping paper is sent separately to flat items like stickers & gift bags.
Takaia ki te reo!
Wrapped in the language