Kāhui Huritau | Birthday Set


Want to make huritau/birthdays memorable - here's the set to make it happen! Celebrate upcoming huritau by wrapping it in te reo Māori.
In this set you will receive 3 wrapping papers:

- x1 'happy birthday' wrapping paper - pango/black
- x1 'happy birthday' wrapping paper - tapatoru/triangles
- x1 'happy birthday' craft wrapping paper

Each roll measures 70 centimeters tall and 3 meters long.
Single sets will be sent in a round mailing tube.
Sets of 2 or more will be sent in a box.
Note: wrapping paper is sent separately to flat items like stickers & gift bags.

Takaia ki te reo!
Wrapped in the language!

Māu Designz
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