Māu Designz 2 views Claim this Business

Takaia ki te reo : Wrapped in the language. Reo Mori wrapping paper for all of your perehana (presents)! #mu #takaiakitereo
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  • $45 +
    Kāri Matariki | Matariki Gift Cards
    LIMITED NUMBERS REMAINING Our third release of kāri/cards celebrates Matariki. Comprising of 9 kāri - 1 for each whetū/star and 9 white kōpaki/envelopes - let's acknowledge Matariki together this year.Kōpaki are sized at 12.5 x 12.5 cms.Kāri are sized at 10.5 x 10.5 cms. Takaia ki te reo!Wrapped in the language
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