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Takaia ki te reo : Wrapped in the language. Reo Mori wrapping paper for all of your perehana (presents)! #mu #takaiakitereo
1 to 4 of 4
  • $20 +
    Kāhui Huritau | Birthday Set
    Want to make huritau/birthdays memorable - here's the set to make it happen! Celebrate upcoming huritau by wrapping it in te reo Māori.In this set you will receive 3 wrapping papers:- x1 'happy birthday' wrapping paper - pango/black- x1 'happy birthday' wrapping paper - tapatoru/triangles- x1 'happ...
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  • $20 +
    Kāhui Whakamihi | Appreciation Set
    Can't find the exact words to say thank you? Make your sentiments known by choosing this set to show your appreciation, acknowledgment and admiration for someone and their achievements.In this set you will receive 3 wrapping papers:- x1 'aroha/from the heart' wrapping paper - whero/red- x1 'praise' ...
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  • $10 +
    Pēke Koha | Gift Bags
    For the last minute gift buyers - here's some pēke to add more wow factor to the gift inside while taking the stress out of wrapping it up.Sold as a set of 4, pick the pēke to match an occasion below:- appreciation- christmas- birthdayBag dimensions are 26 x 32 x 12cms.Note: Flat items like cards ...
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  • $45 +
    Kāri Matariki | Matariki Gift Cards


    Our third release of kāri/cards celebrates Matariki. Comprising of 9 kāri - 1 for each whetū/star and 9 white kōpaki/envelopes - let's acknowledge Matariki together this year.

    Kōpaki are sized at 12.5 x 12.5 cms.
    Kāri are sized at 10.5 x 10.5 cms.

    Takaia ki te reo!
    Wrapped in the language

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