Titrayju Organic Yerba Mate 1kg (barbacua)

Titrayju is a hidden gem of a brand produced by small cooperative of independent family-farmers in Misiones, Argentina. These lesser-known brands are usually some of the best. It is a fair trade, Organic yerba of exceptional quality. Consuming Titrayju , you benefit, drinking an authentic mate of excellent quality and flavor. Our yerba, has more than 12 months of natural and prolonged seasoning. It is produced and handcrafted by the small settlers of Misiones , whose family work respects the natural production processes, ensuring the quality of the product. You have the opportunity to be supportive, consuming and helping the dissemination of Titrayju , supporting the initiative that joins the multiple efforts made by low-income families to obtain a fair price. Which will allow them to face the problems of the different crises, in the search for food security, strengthening them in their social environment and stopping emigration.
Mate Guru
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