2.2 Christmas Eve Set 1 Kid


Christmas Eve Set 2022

The Magic of Christmas Eve is a great way to keep the kids busy whilst they patiently await Santas arrival the next day,

Our sets are made each year with loads of love and thought and we hope your children enjoy them as much as wee have creating them

Included, Personalised Door Hanger - Paint your own reindeer & Stand - Reindeer Lindt ball Decoration - Personalised Mug - Personalised Santa Claus Letter - Personalised Santa Claus Certificate PopCorn Reindeer Food - 2 Elf Candy Canes - Chocolate Elf Coins x 2 - Gift Box

Popcorn can be swapped for potato chips on request

items may vary slightly due to availability we will do our best to keep it as similar as possible


Made For You Custom Gifts
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