Matching Game - Little Box of Emotions


Learn how to name and recognize your emotions, identify your body's responses to these emotions, and discover some postures to channel them with this beautifully designed and illustrated box set complete with instructional booklet and card set. Twenty-four cards showing eight different emotions and reactions offer a valuable method for self-awareness and expression. The three games include simple recognition, memory and matching, and association and verbalisation. These games provide caregivers a way to open up and invite dialogue while providing children with the opportunity to talk about how their bodies feel when they experience such an emotion. The guidebook offers advice and postures to get children to relax and channel their emotions, ultimately leading to a healthier outlook and better self-care.

AUTHOR: Once a teacher, Louison Nielman studied to become a psychologist. Today, she works in a center for children, adolescents, and their families.

SELLING POINTS: Matching game and enclosed booklet make learning about eight common emotions fun for toddlers and parents. Three different games designed to develop young minds and promote self-awareness and a healthier mental outlook. Instruction booklet provides a list of expressions to recognise the emotions along with directions on how to use the twenty-four cards.

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- 21 x 12.5cm box

Madame Fancy Pants
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