Klik Sinkers Blue Quick Change Clip on Ball Sinkers


Blue Klik Sinkers are a quick change running ball sinker. Allows quick, easy sinker weight changes to get you back in the strike zone. So simple and practical, simply unclip the clasp close over your line secure the clasp and your done. No need to cut and tie knots each time you want to add or remove weight.

Perfect for fishing with dead baits, live baits or even lures you can easily change weights to get to your desired depth. Time to head back, simply unclip the quick change sinker to prevent damage and your on your way.

Great option for alloy boats due to the protectivce case which protects from both knocking damage, and corrosion from exposed lead shoul a sinker inadvertantly drop and left in your boat. Klik quick change sinker features benefits:

- Add and remove sinkers with ease - change range and depth at will to find the strike zone fast
- Add sinkers from the boat – allows dynamic exploration of the water column
- Store and travel with nude rods – remove the sinkers and you eliminate twists and damage to your car, rods and boat
- Protective cases – protect flora, fauna, and your tinnie from exposed lead
- Locking option – the sinker can be locked onto the line for unique fishing experiences including a KLIK first (bow lining)
- Fish light – the ability to add sinkers as needed allows you to use pre-made terminal tackle rigs and leave the tackle box behind
- Hard of sight – no need to thread the hole with Klik Sinkers Available Blue Klik sinker weights:

- Lite Blue size 4 10 gram /.35 oz (10 pack)
- Dark Blue size 4 20 gram /.75 oz (10 pack)
- Dark Blue size 6 40 gram / 1.4 oz (5 pack)
- Dark Blue size 8 60 gram / 2.1 oz (4 pack)
- Dark Blue size 10 80 gram / 2.8 oz (4 pack

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