Easy Water Long Spout Watering Bottle for Hanging Plants - 1 Litre


These make a great practical gift for planty friends and family too💚

What you've been waiting (and reaching) for

Finally! I've been waiting SO long for some clever plant-loving company to design a long-spout watering bottle here in and here it is (thanks to Nina and Jamie from Easy Water).

No more dangerous acrobatic balancing on chairs to reach hanging plants. No more hassle taking all your plants down from high shelves to water them. Just squeeze!

The Easy Water Watering Cane is a perfect 1 litre size watering bottle with a looong reach spout for hanging plants and top shelf plants out of reach (until now).

Looong spout

The aluminium spout measures 50 cms long so if you add that to the average arm length of 75 to 77 cms you're all set to reach new heights and water up high with ease. Just the bottle by itself measures 24cms tall by 7.5cms wide across the base. The curved cane end directs water perfectly into the pot.

Easy-squeeze silicone bottle

💧1 litre water capacity, the perfect amount for easy measurement of most fertiliser dilution rates so you can feed and water in one.

💧Made of thick yet soft, easy-squeeze silicone so you barely need to squeeze to send water up high.

💧Wide-mouth bottle design makes it much faster and easier to refill than typical small-neck watering bottles.

💧Both the aluminium spout and silicone bottle are lightweight yet tough, made to last without the extra weight so kind on hands too.

Genuine made

Genuine Buy New Zealand Made accredited.

Love That Leaf
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