Yates Thrive Vegie & Herb Fertiliser - 500ml


Good old Yates Thrive has been the go-to for plant lovers for years. This is one of their specialist formulas, made for the unique needs of different plants to get the best results from your garden. Yates Thrive Vegie & Herb liquid fertiliser helps you grow healthier, better-tasting vegetables and herbs. This specialist formula contains Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Manganese, Iron and Copper in a concentrated formula at the levels your vege or herb garden needs to thrive. One 500ml bottle makes up to 150 litres and the lid doubles as a measuring cap.

Yates Thrive Vegie & Herb directions for use

YOUNG SEEDLINGS: From 3/4 to 1 cap per 9 litres water (3/4 cap = 30mls). Start at 3 to 4 weeks after germination or planting, then continue feeding weekly (or every time you water if less often than weekly). Apply as a foliar spray or soil drench to feed through the roots.

ACTIVE GROWTH: During active foliage growth, from flowering to fruiting up until harvest, apply 1 to 2 caps (1 cap = 40mls) per 9 litres water (less for lighter feeders and winter crops, more for heavy feeders within this range). Apply as a soil drench to feed the entire plant from the roots up.

Use the lower rate for winter crops eg: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and kale, and for light feeders.

Application tips

Best applied during a cooler time of day (we'd give it a miss of you expect the temperature to reach over 30 degrees, even more important if applying to completely dry soil).

Give the bottle a good shake before each use.

Always dilute before you feed (don't apply the concentrate directly to your soil - dilute in water first, then apply).

If the soil's quite dry, do a flush of plain water first, then feed with diluted Thrive as per the rates above.

If you water regularly, so the top few cm's is dry but soil around the roots further down is moist, just follow the normal directions above (initial flush feed not essential).

Store bottle in a cool, dry place (indoors is best).

The safety data sheet can be found on the Yates website here.

Love That Leaf
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