Long Cloud Kayaks 7 views  6 clicks Claim this Business

Further Faster is a camping and outdoor gear store in Christchurch NZ. We specialise in climbing gear, kayak gear, outdoor clothing, hiking boots, mountaineering equipment, trail running gear, tramping backpacks and tents, and we even sell outdoor gear for dogs. Shop best outdoor gear online or in store.
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    Reals Meals Dinner - Venison Casserole
    Tasty, natural and fast meals for camping and the backcountry OverviewVenison Casserole – Wild Wapiti venison, in a rich tomato and vegetable broth with Horopito spice. Next level outdoor dining.Weight: 110 grams COOKING INSTRUCTIONS - Add 300ml (1 1/4 cups) of boiling water, mix thoroughly (30 se...
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