Liewood Oaks Pop Up Playtent | Circus


Create a corner of cosy moments and active playtime for smaller and bigger children alike. The sides of the tent can open in different ways, optimising the creative potential of the Oak indoor playtent. Pair it with the Emmanuel tunnel to create a fort-like feeling and encourage your children to crawl and explore.

- Indoor play tent with colourful print
- Halfway pop-up function for quick and easy assembling
- Multiple options for opening up the sides
- Pair with the Emmanuel tunnel for hours of fun
- Encourages both cosy and active playtime for your little one

Dimensions: Height (Cm) 135; Diameter (Cm) 105; Diameter When Placed In Bag 45

2 years

Warning. Remove all packaging and labelling before giving this item to a child. Keep away from fire.

Little Whimsy
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