Maxi Cosi Jaya Ultra Compact Stroller Essential Graphite


The Jaya is a compact travel stroller; light weight, comfortable and easy to fold. Enjoy your adventure with an easy to use one-second fold feature, lightweight design and large storage basket. Three recline positions including lie-flat mode make this stroller suitable from birth.

Adaptors sold separately. Jaya – the perfect stroller for urban parents.
Suitable from newborn 4 years (approx)

Flash, fold and go

- Automatic one-hand, one-second fold
- Lie flat mode perfect for newborns
- Lightweight and easy to cary
- Compatible with Mico Plus and Mico 6 Baby Capsules only - Travel System
- Stands upright when folded
- 3 recline positions with mechanical handle
- Adjustable leg rest for additional comfort
- Big storage basket
- Large canopy visor for better protection with peek-a-boo window
- Pivotable bumper bar
- Adaptors sold separately

Little Trooper
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