Good Cookie - Hazelnut Chocolate Chip


Rich raw chocolate, activated hazelnuts, chewy oats and tasty coconut - it's easy to see why this delicious cookie is packed full of good nutrition.

Good for You - This cookie has been handmade using simple wholefood ingredients with no added nonsense or compromise on taste - it's as good for your body as it is for your taste buds.

Good for the Earth - Nourishing food starts with healthy soil. By choosing only the best organic ingredients, our goal is to make a cookie that nourishes you while nurturing the earth. Our cookies are all wrapped up in 100% plant-based compostable materials too!

Ingredients: Coconut , Oats , Coconut Sugar
Hazelnuts†(12%), Cacao Butter (5%), Cacao
Powder (4%), Flaxseed , Vanilla Extract , Sea Salt
Certified Organic Ingredients

Plant Based • Raw • Wheat Free • Organic Wholefoods
Activated Nuts and Seeds • Dairy Free • Nutrient Rich

Compost Alert!

Our cookie pouches are normally made from compostable materials, but due to a major material supply delay we have had to use conventional packaging for this packet. We will be switching back to our wonderful composting material for our very next print run.

Little Bird Organics
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