Balancing: Refreshing Spritzer
Refreshing Spritzer 100ml
This soothing blend of plant extracts to soothe and balance and lime to freshen, tone and heal. Perfect for oily, problem, combination or young skins. Great anytime during the day to hydrate and freshen skin.
Skin types: Suitable for skin that is oily to combination or problematic e.g. acne
Use or application tip: Spritz 2-3 sprays over face after cleansing. Follow with serum or crème. Can be used anytime during the day to freshen.
Ingredients: Coconut, camellia and rosehip, green tea, aloe vera, witch hazel, comfrey & chamomile extracts and pure lavender hydrosol. Vitamin E and C, Active manuka honey, Aloe Vera, Essential oils of lime, cedarwood, lavender and lemon.
- Store:
- Lisa Goodeve
- Price:
- $46