Fantail Flutter - large beeswax wrap


Possibly our most popular design - these bright little fantails, icons of the kiwi bush, flitting about in a forest of kowhai, manuka and fern fronds are loved by everyone, and deservedly so.

Large Beeswax Wrap - 33 cm x 33 cm (13 in x 13 in)

We love this design so much, we've made it part of our LilyBee Core Collection - that means you can get this pattern in every size of wrap and bag we make!

Wrap a Large Portion of Vegetables: Store a generous amount of veggies for later.

Seal a Bowl of Marinara Sauce: Keep your sauce fresh and ready to use.

Wrap a Large Block of Cheese: Preserve the taste and texture of your cheese.

Lilybee Wrap
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