Prima Prostate-Psa Test (1 Test)
The Prostate-PSA Test records the level of PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) in blood, to check for a possible change to normal PSA levels. What is PSA?
The Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is a protein produced by the epithelial cells of the prostate gland and it is part of the male genital tract. Located inside the pelvic cavity, under the bladder, the prostate gland is a pyramidal-shape fibro-muscular structure, with a base at the top. Its function is to fluidify the ejaculation and therefore increase sperm mobility. PSA also plays an important role in dissolving cervical mucus, allowing sperm to enter the uterus. Small quantities of PSA are normally found in blood of men with a healthy prostate. Prostate diseases (such as prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, cancer) lead to an increase in the blood levels of PSA. PSA levels also naturally increase with age, after prostate surgery or specific diagnostic tests, for example; rectal examination, prostate biopsy, prostate ultrasound scan." "Who should use the Prostate-PSA Test?
The Prostate-PSA Test (Prostate specific antigen) is intended for men aged over 45, who don’t have symptoms but wish to check their prostate; and also men with urinary tract symptoms like difficulty urinating, pain and increased frequency." "How does the Prostate-PSA Test work?
The Prostate-PSA Test is an immunochromatographic assay that, thanks to specific antibodies, is able to detect the level of PSA in the blood above 4 ng/ml, with special monoclonal gold-conjugate antibodies embedded to the strip. Results in just 5 minutes. 1) The sample is a blood drop taken with the sterile lancet contained in the box. 2) Obtain a big drop of blood by squeezing the finger and collect it with the plastic pipette. 3) Put the drop of blood on the indicated point on the device. 4) Add the diluent, wait for 5 minutes and read the result. " "When should I use the Prostate-PSA Test?
The Test is useful to perform a periodic prostate health status check. It is especially for men from 45 years of age, or for men who have family history of prostatic disease. In the event of urinary tract symptoms, such as difficulty, pain and increased frequency of urination, the individual should always consult their Doctor. The PSA Test can give the relief of anxiety in the absence of symptoms and in the presence of symptoms is a flag for the individual to seek further medical advice from a Health Professional. An early diagnosis is fundamental and could save lives." "Common questions asked to a Doctor: What is a good PSA reading for prostate? What is a normal PSA reading for a 50 year old male? What is normal PSA by age? What does a PSA of 20 mean?"