Flo Sinus Care Sachet Refill 50pk

Flo Sinus Care is a preservative-free, non-medicated isotonic irrigation kit for washing the nose and sinus cavities. It has been formulated closely mimic the body's own extracellular fluid, so it is gentle, will not sting or burn delicate nasal and sinus tissues. FLO Sinus Care may be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. COLDS, FLU AND SINUSITIS Regular use of FLO Sinus Care helps relieve congestion by thinning and washing away excess mucus and inflammatory materials. HAYFEVER and ALLERGY Regular use of FLO Sinus Care will help wash away unwanted pollens, dust, animal fur and other nasal irritants. It may help reduce the severity of allergic symptoms. CPAP Users Regular use of FLO Sinus Care helps relieve symptoms by thinning and washing away mucus and helping the body's own mucus-clearing systems. POST OPERATIVE CARE Use FLO Sinus Care as directed by your ENT specialist to clear away mucus, scabs, blood clots and dry blood. POST NASAL DRIP FLOS Sinus Care helps to wash away mucus and relieve these symptoms. IN CONJUNCTION OF OTHER MEDICALS Use FLO Sinus Care 20 minutes prior to medicated nasal sprays to help clear mucus and improve their effectiveness.