Ferment (Holly Davis)

Ferment: A guide to the ancient art of culturing foods by Holly Davis is the only guide you'll need for making fermented foods and drinks. What does your favourite farmhouse cheese have in common with crusty sourdough bread, a glass of sparkling ginger beer or a bowl of marinated olives? The answer is each is a product of fermentation, a process that harnesses good bacteria in order to preserve ingredients and transform them into uniquely delicious foods with remarkable health benefits.
Thanks to an increasing awareness of the crucial role probiotic-rich foods play in our wellbeing, the ancient art of fermentation is experiencing a renaissance. Add to this the joy, ease and economy of making fermented foods at home, and it's no wonder we are scrunching, pickling and bottling our way to better gut health and a deeper connection with our food.
With this extensive collection, wholefood pioneer Holly Davis shares familiar and lesser-known recipes, as well as the wisdom and experience accumulated over 40 years of teaching fermentation techniques around the world. Her gentle and thorough guidance guarantees you will find a place in your home for one or more ferments that make your heart and stomach sing. This book is beautifully set out and ordered in the following way:
- My wholefood home
- Activate - unlocking the goodness of nature's seeds
- Capture - capturing naturally occurring microbes for fermentations
- Steep - salting and brining
- Infuse - culturing using SCOBYs
- Leaven - breads, cakes and pastries
- Incubate - yoghurt, labneh, cheesemaking, koji, miso, tempeh, amazake
- Cure - preserving vegetables, meat, fish or tofu with salt
Title: Ferment
Author: Holly Davis
Publisher: Murdoch Books
ISBN: 9781743368671
Format: Hardback
Length: 272 pages