British Infantry DPM PLCE Pack

Note As per the grade, these packs have seen heavy use and some may have small holes to the outer back pocket. These bags may vary in colour due to heavy use or dirt build up. Some may have unit identification paint - see last photo for examples
The British army infantry used these PLCE (Personal Load Carrying Equipment) packs, or bergans, as their main source for carrying equipment. They were put to great use, until they were replaced by the current British systems. Although these packs have seen their fair share of combat and my be a bit faded, they still function fantastically. Tough and sturdy are understatements when referring to this bit of gear.
If you plan on going hiking, then this bag would be a great companion. Large enough to hold all your travelling, cooking and eating utensils. It won't loose its form either, as it has a sturdy, internal frame. This will also make a great bag for hunters, as it's packed to the brim with useful pockets and features. The main section will fit your weapons and hunting accessories, while the pouches store any other food or equipment you have.
- Genuine British Army surplus
- Approx 70L main compartment
- Two detachable 10L side pouches
- Yoke for connecting side pouches to make smaller day bag
- Strong internal frame
- Zip up top pocket
- Large front pouch
- Padded back area
- Adjustable shoulder and waist straps
- Side zips for attaching PLCE pouches
- Internal snow collar
Capacity: approx. 70L (each side pouch adds 10L for approx total of 90 litres)
Dimensions: approx. 70cm H x 36cm W x 26cm D (excluding side pouch dimensions)
Weight: 2.85kg
Contents: Nylon
Colour: DPM
Condition: Used/Fair - Item is very well used. Marks/stains/scratches and/or repairs but still usable with some life left in them. If you want more information on our condition ratings, check out our condition guide