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$19.99Proctosedyl Suppositories 12sPROCTOSEDYL Suppositories is used for the relief of the discomfort of haemorrhoids (piles) and other painful conditions of the anus (rear end), such as fissures (tears).Haemorrhoids often result when people strain while trying to open their bowel (defecate). This problem is often, but not always, as...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$19.99Proctosedyl OintmentPROCTOSEDYL Ointment is used for the relief of the discomfort of haemorrhoids (piles) and other painful conditions of the anus (rear end), such as fissures (tears).Haemorrhoids often result when people strain while trying to open their bowel (defecate). This problem is often, but not always, associa...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$11.89Anusol 50g OintmentAnusol Ointment is a treatment for haemorroids. It gives short term relief from the pain, itching, inflammation and swelling. They can also relieve the cushion of blood vessels and shrink the haemorrhoid.Haemorrhoids often result when people strain while trying to open their bowel (defecate). This p...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0
$14.99Anusol Suppositories 12sAnusol Suppositories provide relief from haemorrhoidal discomfort. This treatment will give short term relief from the pain, itching, inflammation and swelling. They can also relieve the cushion of the blood vessels and shrink the heamorrhoid.Haemorrhoids often result when people strain while trying...Buy from Store ⦾ More like this 0 0