Cake Lace Claire Bowman mat Rosie


The Rosie Cupcake 3D Lace Mat is a retake of the Ring of Roses mat, but this time it is designed to be used effortlessly with cupcakes!The Rosie Cupcake 3D Cake Lace mat is a new style, designed specifically for use with cupcakes!

The Rosie Lace Mat can also be used as an impression mat.Use this with Cake Lace, to apply beautiful edible lace to wedding cakes, celebration cakes, or anything else!

You can attach Cake Lace by brushing a tiny amount of water onto your sugarpaste, and gently press your Cake Lace onto this.

Benefits of Cake Lace:

Cake Lace is so easy to use, simply make to manufacturers instructions, spread onto the mat and place in the oven at 70°C. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes, take out of the oven and cool for five minutes, it is then ready to use. From start to finish your Cake Lace could be ready to use in less than 30 minutes.

Lace mats are also great for chocolate too, as our photo shows.

Kiwi Cakes
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