Inserts | Small Trifold


These inserts are perfect for when you are using the small-medium sizes (rise settings) for your little one. They’re the ideal length to fit inside the pocket without extra overhang, folding or bunching.

Bamboo Cotton Trifold (3 layers total, 9 when folded)

- Features:

- Stay dry layer
- Wet feel option
- Use stuffed in pocket (snapped or unsnapped)
- Use laid on top of shell (all-in-two)
- Quick drying, especially great for winter months or high turnover

These inserts are a great workhorse as they're quicker to dry. They can be folded with the stay dry layer against baby, or if you're toilet training use the bamboo-cotton side upwards so your toddler knows they have wet.

Preparation: We recommend washing your inserts as per usual (any load) and drying once before use. This helps remove any residue from manufacturing and start roughing up the fibres. It may take up to 10 washes to reach full absorbency.

Bamboo-Cotton by nature shrinks in the wash, this has been taken into account when designing so your insert will fit perfectly inside your nappy once at maximum absorbency. Inserts may be put in the drier, if you don't like the edges curling - air drying is best.

Because each baby is different, if you need extra boosting you can add additional inserts (boosters) or use a combination from our small size pair.

If you have any questions, please .

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