Christchurch Coffee Group (Sep 28)


Coffee Group Booking in Christchurch!

Dr Julie is on tour and she has a coffee group slot booking available in Christchurch for Saturday morning the 28th of September!

This coffee group can either be done in a location/home of your choice or at the location where Dr Julie is staying!

The coffee group presentation can be on any topic relevant to your group!

Starting solids

Toddler food

Women's wellbeing

Working mum coaching!

Both Dr Julie and Caz will be there so really the sky is the limit in terms of presentation! All usual coffee group booking information applies - you just need a minimum of five people to book - the $150 deposit and then as many as you like can join in on the day at the per/person rate of $30. If you have a larger group we will also offer a flat fee of $250 which the deposit still applies but might be more cost effective for you.

Dr Julie is New Zealand's leading starting solids and toddler food expert, published author, international speaker and creator of Dr Julie's Kitchen (NZ food brand) this event is your prime chance to get all the inspiration and help you need with your families nutrition and wellbeing

julie bhosale
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