Cromo-Fresh 10ml

Cromo-Fresh eye drops are indicated for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis and vernal conjunctivitis.
Category: Solutions
- Description Description
Cromo-Fresh eye drops are indicated for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis and vernal conjunctivitis. Allergic conjunctivitis may be seasonal and tends to be worse in spring and summer.
Prophalactic (preventative) use may help the management of seasonal allergic symptoms.
Cromo-Fresh eyedrops comes in the revolutionary COMOD multi-dosing delivery device. The patented COMOD bottle is an air-less multi-dose application system that ensures the precise delivery of at least 300 sterile and preservative-free drops in each 10 ml bottle. Cromo-Fresh eyedrops are preservative and phosphate-free.
Pack size: 10 ml, delivering at least 300 drops
Active ingredient: Sodium chomoglycate 20mg/ml. Sodium cromoglycate inhibits the degranulation of sensitised mast cells which occurs after exposure to specific antige...
- Store:
- Judd Opticians
- Price:
- $25