Lash Perm LOMANSA Large J75LML


Thoroughly cleanse and comb the eyelashes,

Thinly apply EYELASH GLUE(buy separately) on the upper eyelid at the base of the lashes.

Choose the proper sized rod for the length of the lashes and apply the rod to the base of eyelashes on the glue.

Apply more EYELASh GLUE onto the rod if necessary.

Use a toothpick to turn the lashes so they are sticking onto the rod.

Use PERM SOLUTION(A #1) and apply to the rod and lashes with a mini q-tip. Wait for 8-12 minutes. (Please wait more 1-2 minutes for the thick eyelash.) Be sure that the client’s eyes stay closed and the solution does not get into the eye.

Remove PERMING SOLUTION(A #1) using a dry cotton swab with eyelash cleanser(C#3).

Apply the NEUTRALIZER(B#2) wait 8-12 minutes. (Please wait more 1-2 minutes for the thick eyelash.)

Remove the NEUTRALIZER(B#2) using a cotton swab with eyelash cleanser(C#3)

Use GLUE REMOVER(buy separately) if necessary.

At the end, apply the eyelash restore(D#4) for 3-6 minutes.

JC Hair Beauty Supply
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