Green Lines The Maintainer 5kg Lawn Fertiliser

The Maintainer Green Lines Lawn Fertiliser Controlled release fertiliser that gives a fast start to the season

NPK 20-0-6-12 Ca 2 Mg 2

2- 3 month release

Coverage 140m²

Rate: Apply 35g/m² (3.5kg/100m²)

Green Lines ‘The Maintainer’ is the ideal first application fertiliser to your lawn after establishing or renovating it. It is a fast start, quick green-up fertiliser that is perfect to revitalise worn lawns. Apply it 3-4 times per year. This product is especially good for overwintering lawns. Suitable for all lawn species, The Maintainer has added Magnesium for excellent leaf colour.


- Apply to established lawns four times a year. Starting with the first application in early Spring, then every 3 months.
- Apply to dry foliage and water in to aid dispersion, creating a quicker initial uptake.

Cautions and Tips:

- Avoid application to hard surfaces such as concrete as the product may stain.
- Use a fertiliser spreader for an even distribution of fertiliser to your lawn.
- Do not exceed the recommended dose.

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