Green Lines Green Up 1L Liquid Fertiliser

Green Lines Green Up Liquid Fertiliser Green Lines “Green Up “is a Humic Acid based liquid foliar fertiliser containing 6% Iron. It is formulated to rapidly green up a lawn and give it a deeper and darker green colour. It is a safe to use on your lawn and plants and is used to give a lawn a boost In appearance. Features

- Green Up has no macro-nutrients and will not add to grass growth and extra lawn mowing.
- Green Up will give the grass a lush, green colour, enhancing the overall appearance of the lawn.
- It has a rapid uptake which will give a quick result to your lawn.
- It has an excellent tank mix versatility and is compatible with many other fertilisers and chemicals.Suitable for using Silmaxx with.
- Humic Acid base gives it an enhanced nutrient uptake and availability to the grass.
- It is a turf specific fertiliser, researched and developed for turf purposes.
- It can be used as a foliar and/or soil drench on all turfgrasses and landscape plants to provide iron as part of a complete and balanced nutrition programme. Application rate

100 to 200mm in 5 litres of water over 100m². (Can do it in more or less water, the main consideration is that it is spread evenly). 1 Litre Rate: 10-20mls per litre over 10m² NPK

0-0-0 Sulphur (S) 5 Iron (Fe) 6 Manganese (Mn) 4

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