The Wheel of the Year Companion Book



The Wheel of the Year Companion is a portable guide to all of the sacred holidays and celebrations of the Wiccan calendar with appropriate rituals, spellwork, and practices.
Bring magic into your daily life by celebrating the sacred cycles of Nature with this beautiful and portable guide to the eight Wiccan sabbats.

Lavishly illustrated and photographed, The Wheel of the Year Companion guides you through the history of the holidays, their Pagan roots, and how to merge these sacred cycles and celebrations with today’s traditions and holidays. Each sabbat chapter is brimming with spells and practices that will help you incorporate the old magick of the seasons into your modern life.

Accompanying each turn of the Wheel as it cycles through the holidays of Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh, Mabon, and Samhain are:

- Feast recipes
- Spells and rituals
- Altar ideas
- And more From the bright blessings of the Yuletide solstice to the fertile flower magick of Beltane to the thinning of the veil on Samhain, each transition lends itself to a unique catalog of spells, altars, and practices that you can use all year long. Anjou Kiernan is the hedgewitch and herbal alchemist behind Light of Anjou, a witchery shop and virtual sacred space for magic and mysticism. She has been toiling in potions and occult writing since the age of 16 and has continued her journey in witchcraft on a magically minded homestead in the rolling hills of mid-Maine. Anjou has been named as one of Refinery29’s “Magical Women You Really Should Be Following on Instagram." Her writing and photography of unique altars and sacred spaces have attracted a broad audience and customer base on both Instagram (@lightofanjou) and her online witchery shop ( She is the author of The Ultimate Guide to Witchcraft and The Book of Altars and Sacred Spaces.

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