David Pawson - The Letters of Jesus to His Churches (2 DVDs)


Why were the only letters Jesus Himself ever sent addressed to a circuit of churches in the south-west corner of what is now called Turkey? And why did Satan choose to locate his permanent residence on earth in the very same district?

The answer is that both time and place were critical for the survival of the body of Christ in the face of pagan religion and worldly culture. If the saints could 'overcome' here, they would be able to do so in all places and through all times.

The seven letters therefore have a permanent message, as well as a particularly contemporary application. The world is still very much with us, seeking to 'overcome' the church by external persecution or internal corruption. But the risen, ascended, returning Lord still walks among His churches, encouraging with promised rewards and warning of eternal loss.

These studies will leave the viewer with two questions which must be answered:
Which letter describes the church I belong to?
Am I an 'overcomer', in the church and the world?

These DVD's together have a total running time of more than six hours, and are divided into nine, forty minute, sections. They are designed for group discussion in your Church or Fellowship, as well as personal study.

Volume 1.
1. Their Present Temptations and Trials
2. Loyal but Loveless (Ephesus)
3. Afflicted but Affluent (Smyrna)
4. Faithful but Flawed (Pergamum)
5. Committed but Compromised (Thyatira)

Volume 2.
6. Dynamic but Dying (Sardis)
7. Small but Significant (Philadelphia)
8. Crowded but Christless (Laodicea)
9. Future Tribulations and Triumphs

Inspirational Media
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