New Zealand Dominoes


The classic game of dominoes is great for children to learn and with these inspired pieces, you can also encourage learning through play.

Players take turns to match the animal or object on one end of the domino with the same animal or object on the end of another. Play continues until one of the players can no longer match an object. The winner is the first person to play all their dominoes or, if nobody can find a match, the player with the fewest dominoes left wins. There are a variety of ways to play with dominoes that can be more challenging for kids of different ages, but for beginners, this simple matching game will encourage observational skills and help develop personal and social skills.

Recommended age 3. Includes 28 wooden pieces, each approx. 8 x 4cm. Made with 3mm sustainable plywood and comes in a linen drawstring bag.

Every piece of wood used is slightly different in colour, texture and grain with naturally occurring imperfections seen in the timber (e.g knots, colour changes, ). These pieces of timber are cut on an engraver and will have slight burnt marks on the edges on some sides. The best way to keep these raw timber resources hydrated and well-nourished is with a natural oil or wax, like beeswax polish.



Can be used on a puzzle table, children learn to put in sequence by matching each object or animal. A perfect quiet activity for settling in or calming down. Children need to be engaged and use concentration to complete the sequences.

Group Setting

Group time discussions about animals, their habitats and prey. Use for transitioning to mealtimes a child can give you one fact they have learnt before going to wash hands. Or use as a social tool, where children take turns in adding to the sequence.


Perfect for setting up in the garden where discussions about nature can be ignited.

Learning Opportunities

Helps to promote thinking skills, improve memory and concentration, fine motor skills, hand eye coordination, social skills, maths skills, dice patterns, develops critical thinking skills.

Inquisitive by Nature
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