Goodie Box


1 in 6 Kiwis will go hungry this week. You can help change that. The was created as a doggy bag that in a moment of too much food, asks your diners to think about those with too little.

So, how do es work?

1. You put your diners’ leftovers in a.

2. They scan the QR code and make an optional $5 donation to Everybody Eats.

3. They take their home to enjoy their leftovers tomorrow.

4. Everybody Eats uses that $5 to provide a fresh three-course meal to a kiwi in need.

NOTE : es are part of a charitable partnership between decent Packaging and Everybody Eats. They are specifically designed for taking leftovers home, not as general takeaway boxes. We ask you to please use them for their intended purpose only.

Innocent Packaging
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