New Year Business Strategic Planner


Begin the year ahead with a plan, simple, effective strategy to ensure you have your best year yet!

I have developed this course specifically so you can create the business of your dreams, focusing on the key areas that will drive your business forward.

A perfect start to a new year, or simply when you need to take a fresh look at your business, excellent for real estate, but equally as useful for any self employed business owner needing structure and planning.

Planning - Consistency - Accountability - Implementation - Celebration

- 18 Lessons
- Video and Downloadable Content to implement straightaway into your business.

You Will Get From This Program.

1. Simple plan to follow which will actually create your 2021 written plan (you can use this year after year!)

2. Clear worksheets that give you easy templates to follow.

3. Ideas to help inspire new activities that will create new results.

4. Short video content, that makes it easy to follow a structured learning plan.

5. Practical outcomes that give you real game changing results and reward you for your investment.

Ink Consulting Associates
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