Lemon Honey Ginger Syrup 500ml


Six Barrel Soda Co. Lemon Honey Ginger Syrup 500ml

This Lemon Honey Ginger syrup has the perfect citrus and ginger hit without being overly sweet. Six Barrel Soda created this ultimate flavour by using delicious raw New Zealand wildflower honey from J.Friend & Co, fresh squeezed lemons and pacific organic ginger from Fiji to make a premium Lemon Honey Ginger syrup perfect for all year round drinking.

It makes a soothing hot drink to ward off winter chills and a crisp, dry soda with a ginger kick for days when you need a little afternoon pick me up.

Mix it with whisky and hot water for an easy hot toddy to take the edge of a winter’s night.

Sage and Tumeric Lemon Honey Ginger Recipe:


- Lemon Honey Ginger syrup 30mL
- Hot water 150mL or to top
- 2 slices fresh turmeric
- 2 sage leaves

In your favourite mug, add the turmeric and hot water, leave to brew for two minutes or so, add the Lemon Honey Ginger syrup and 2 sage leaves. Don’t burn your tongue.

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